If you would have asked me a year ago, "do you think you could and would teach virtual violin and viola lessons for more than a year?"  the answer would have been a HUGE NO...

A year later, and I can honestly say it has been one of the best years of my teaching career. It has stretched me as a teacher in ways I could not have done otherwise. I have had to be more creative and motivating and in so doing, I have seen SO much progress from my students this past year! 

This past year has been a great example to me of doing something a different way than you think can turn out to be a great thing. I thought I would be teaching my students virtually for 4 months max! Now, a year later, we will continue to have virtual lessons since I moved away from my Wisconsin students and we will continue to make progress and have fun over the screen! 

Don't be afraid of changing up you routine and doing something different. It may just be an awesome thin in the long run! I am so proud of my students for doing an AWESOME JOB with 1 year of Virtual Lessons!

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