I'm Back!

 After teaching in St. George for 2 years, I am back to blogging about violin/viola lessons! 

I am practicing/teaching 3 of my kids which has been proving to be difficult but we are managing. Emery and Elle just learned Millionaires Hoedown which they LOVE! Winnie is so proud that she passed off her Twinkles! Riley played his violin for 500 missionaries at the Missionary Training Center and I was SO proud of him!

I am teaching Kindergarten this year and I brought my violin into my classroom to play for my kids and lets just say I earned some teacher points! They LOVED hearing the violin! I played a slow and beautiful Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, a fast Hoedown and any requests they kids had. I love bringing music into my classroom whether it is me playing the violin or playing classical music during classwork. 

I LOVE teaching violin, but my main hurtle is how to teach school full time, being a Mom full time and teaching music lessons...To be determined! 


 If you would have asked me a year ago, "do you think you could and would teach virtual violin and viola lessons for more than a year?"  the answer would have been a HUGE NO...

A year later, and I can honestly say it has been one of the best years of my teaching career. It has stretched me as a teacher in ways I could not have done otherwise. I have had to be more creative and motivating and in so doing, I have seen SO much progress from my students this past year! 

This past year has been a great example to me of doing something a different way than you think can turn out to be a great thing. I thought I would be teaching my students virtually for 4 months max! Now, a year later, we will continue to have virtual lessons since I moved away from my Wisconsin students and we will continue to make progress and have fun over the screen! 

Don't be afraid of changing up you routine and doing something different. It may just be an awesome thin in the long run! I am so proud of my students for doing an AWESOME JOB with 1 year of Virtual Lessons!

Why do I play the violin?

 I have thought about what the purpose of playing an instrument is lately...

Why do I make all of my kids practice their instruments EVERY DAY? Why is it worth the battle to make them do this every day? Why did my Mom make me practice my violin every single day?

The answer for me is that it blesses my life every single day. The power of Music is real.  Listening to music and feeling music makes me feel human. I thank my Mom NOW that she made me practice every day because I see it as an adult...Music is a life long blessing in  your life if you just stick with it. You may or may not continue to play a sport or dance after high school, but you will always have music with you. 

I feel so blessed that I can teach music every day to my students and my own kids. If I knew what I know now about the blessing of music as a high schooler, I think I would have enjoyed it more and not complained so much when my Mom told me to practice every day. 

Not everyone's musical path is the same...my 16 year son is very serious in his musical journey right now, while balancing good grades, high school sports, a social life, his job, church/spirituality and practicing violin every day. It is so hard to find the time to practice more than an hour every day, but he is really trying to prioritize it in his schedule. 

My 14 year old daughter does not love playing the violin right now, so instead of letting her just quiet all together, I have her practice her review pieces for 10 minutes a day so she does not loose what she has gained in her violin studies. I just know she would regret not playing the violin later on in life, so this solution works for now. 

My little ones just have a routine of practicing every day either before school or right after school. I am hoping that these habits stick with them and that it is something that they do naturally. Playing fun disney, fiddle and Christmas songs is mixing it up for them and making it fun. 

When I am asked to play my violin at a wedding or a funeral, I truly feel so honored to be able to bring a special feeling to others. I recently was able to play my violin with my sisters at my Grandmothers funeral and I couldn't help but feeling like it was such a privilege to provide a comforting feeling to those at the funeral. 

So I answer, YES-it is worth it to play an instrument and to practice it every single day. If you are going to do something, BE ALL IN! Don't just practice it 1 or 2 days of the week-be all in and get better! Practicing is the ONLY way that you will get better at anything, especially music.  Stick with it, and it will bless not only your life, but those around you. It is worth it!!!

Thanks Mom for making me practice 'ONLY ON THE DAYS I ATE!' growing up!

4 months of Virtual and going strong...

 We have nearly completed 4 months of Virtual Lessons and I just am SO proud of my students for making this transition from in person to virtual! Each one of them have made progress and adapted to this new way of learning and for that I couldn't be more proud.  

On a personal note, the transition with teaching virtually now that I have moved has been so smooth. I have felt so loved and so supported as I have moved from Wisconsin to Utah and have continued to teach my Waunakee students from afar. We will continue to do this kind of virtual learning as long as it works for the student, but I have to say that I love that I can continue to teach these amazing students of mine! Being a small part of their life in their musical journey is a pleasure and an honor and I hope they look back on our time together with fond memories. My main objective is to teach music to each of my students, but another huge objective is to help the student grow as an individual and gain self confidence. 

As we continue to lessons, please encourage your child to establish a practice time daily that works with their schedule. For some, it is before school, and for others it is after school or dinner. Whatever the practice time is, make it consistent. Daily practice is the number one way to get better at your instrument. I would also encourage your student to listen to the suzuki cd or stream the suzuki songs. Listening to their pieces greatly increases the ability to memorize and to listen for in tune notes. 

I have a huge smile on my face each time I call up each student for their lesson and I am SO grateful that I can continue to teach during this crazy time. Let me know if you have any concerns!


Only Practice on the Days your EAT!

During the stay at home Quarantine time, Dr. Suzuki's saying 'only practice on the days you eat' is more important now than ever! If students don't practice daily, they will lose a lot of progress they have made and lose momentum. I am SO happy we can continue having lessons virtually to help keep that momentum going!

Even if the student just has time to practice 5 minutes, or just review songs, that is better than nothing! Keep up the great work everyone! I have seen a lot of progress this past month with virtual lessons and am so proud of the students with this new norm!

My son and I have been practicing new duets during quarantine so I wanted to share what we came up with this past week!  This is called Fandango by Michael McLean! So much fun to learn this with Riley!

Good Luck only practicing on the days you eat!!!


Virtual Music Lessons

Virtual Music Lessons...did you ever think there would be a time where we would HAVE to have a virtual violin or viola lesson? I am just as shocked as you, but I do have to say that after having a week's worth of Virtual Music lessons with all of my students, I am actually very excited about this new option we have! It is a way to keep normalcy and consistency in this crazy time of the Corona Virus, keep moving forward with our music development, and keep social interaction with each other.

This pas week showed me that even though we are behind a screen and not physically with each other, we still have connection and still have things to improve on.
Here is some advise to all of my students while we have Virtual Music Lessons :

1. Be ready with your instrument, music, stand, notebook and pencil 5 minutes before the lesson starts.

2. Write in your music or notebook during the lesson if something is addressed or needs to be improved. Since I am not there to actually write in your notebook, you can write notes in the music or notebook to help you remember.

3. Turn the camera or devise side ways so we can see each other in a larger format. After teaching lots of virtual lessons this week, I found that I could see more of the student playing if we were side ways and used up the whole screen.

4. Come up with the same time of day to practice to create a consistent schedule. My kids and I have stuck to our daily schedule this week and it has been so great to make sure we are getting in our workout, homework, reading time, spring cleaning, music time, free time and family fun time.

5. Play your instrument for your family in your home and through facetime with your friends! Sharing the gift of music is the best thing we can do right now!

6. Take your practicing seriously so we can continue to progress instead of go backwards!

Good luck to you in this new way of having lessons! Look at it as an adventure and a new way of learning instead of getting frustrated. I was very optimistic this week with the way virtual lessons went! Good job for everyone being willing and prepared for their lesson!!!

2020 GOALS!


They motivate you, they make you better, and they make you accomplish your dreams!
In my mind, if it isn't written down, it probably isn't going to happen.
This week in lessons, we have taken some time to think about what each student wants to accomplish in 2020 with their instrument.

I am so excited for the goals that each student has made, and the goals I have made for them. I think they will push each student to not only get better at the violin/viola, but to enjoy the music they are playing. Playing an instrument makes you appreciate and enjoy many different types of music and this love of music will stick with them for the rest of their lives.

Please take a few minutes in January to review the goals each student has made for 2020 and talk about ways the family can support them in these goals. Getting into good habits at the start of the year regarding dedicated practice time is very important to set the tone for the rest of the year. Talk about a time each day that works for your musician to practice. Just this simple act of helping them be organized and a reminder to practice daily will help them tremendously.

 Not too many kids like to practice on their own, so it takes parents some reminding and nudging to get them to practice daily, but I will FOREVER THANK MY PARENTS FOR MAKING ME PRACTICE! They supporting me through my years at home with violin/viola, made me practice on the days I really didn't want to practice, and I am better for it. Honestly, if it weren't for my parents taking me to lessons, paying for lessons, supporting me with my music dreams and literally making me practice, I would not have had the opportunities in life I have had, and I wouldn't be able to be a violin/viola teacher to my amazing students. I will forever be grateful to them.

Help your kids get organized into a daily routine of practicing to make it a life habit. They will thank you...not now most likely, but for sure----Later!


Now that we are in November, we will really start practicing the Christmas Music so that the kids are prepared to play at the Waunakee Library on Saturday, December 14th from 12-12:30! I would also really encourage the students to play their prepared Christmas Music for a family or friend gathering sometime during the holidays! There is no better way to have Christmas JOY than to share the gift of MUSIC!

I am looking forward to having the students at my house for a fun Music Activity on Friday, December 6th from 4-5:00. We will be decorating sugar cookies, playing some musical games and rehearsing the Christmas music together.

4 Monday Lessons
4 Tuesday Lessons
3 Thursday Lessons

3 Monday Lessons
3 Tuesday Lessons
3 Thursday Lessons

January: starting lessons back up January 6th.
4 Monday lessons
4 Tuesday lessons
4 Thursday lessons

Please continue to encourage your child to listen to their Suzuki CD's and to practice daily!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday season!!!

100 days of practice challenge!

When I was 12 years old, I had a violin teacher at the violin summer camp I attended each summer extend a challenge to me. He challenged me to practice for 100 days in a row without missing! As a 12 year old, I thought that was CRAZY! My Mom was very helpful in making this challenge happen and by the end of the 100 days, I was so proud of myself. My home violin teacher knew of this challenge and was proud of me as well when my 100 days of practicing were up. She then did something that looking back, I just cannot believe I went along with this as a pre-teen. She asked me to practice for 1 year without missing a day! WOW! She told me that I would get a prize if I did and my parents helped with some sort of incentive as well. I can honestly say that first year I did not miss one day of practicing.

5 years later, I never missed a day of practicing because by then, it was a habit, a way of life. If I ever went somewhere that I knew I could not bring my violin like Girls Camp each summer, I would double my practicing the week before I left so it would count as practicing while I was gone. My teacher gave me a music catalog and said I could choose anything in it for $50. I chose a violin watch and wore that watch with such pride. I wish I still had that watch to help me remember the dedication it took to accomplish this awesome task!

I am only challenging my students to practice for 100 days...not 5 years. By practicing for 100 days, it will give you a sense of accomplishment and turn your practicing into a habit.

Good Luck! You've got this!!!!


All students received a colored folder in March that includes Fiddle music, a practice chart and music theory pages. The idea is to learn the fiddle music for the Spring Recital, to color in an egg for each day they practice, and to complete all theory pages. If the student does all 3 of these things in the folder, they can get a prize! Please remind your child to practice the fiddle songs, document each practice day and do their music theory homework. Remember,

The Spring Recital will be Saturday, May 12th at 2:00. Each student will play a violin solo and fiddle music together with the group. More detail to come as it gets closer.

**A little word on Violin Lessons from now until Summer. My family and I go West to visit family for June and July so the plan with violin lessons will be to give a list of expectations and details of what to practice for those 2 months and then in August when we get back into lessons, I will be checking on what they were expected to practice.

April Monday Lessons-5 lessons {April 2,9,16,23,30}
April Thursday Lessons-4 lessons {April 5,12,19,26}

May Monday Lessons- 3 Lessons {May 7,14,21}
May Thursday Lessons-5 Lessons {May 3,10,17,24,31}

June Monday Lessons-1 lesson {June 4}
June Thursday Lessons-1 lesson {June 7th}

*No Lessons the rest of June and July.
We will resume the schedule in August.

I can't even express adequately how happy I am to start my violin studio back up after moving to Wisconsin. I didn't realize how much I missed teaching until now. I love having kids come back lesson after lesson improving and happy to play the violin. Teaching 2 days of the week has proven to be manageable for my family and I and I feel so blessed to be able to teach my violin students. Thank you for trusting me with the task of making your children violinists. It is an honor.
If you have any questions or concerns about your students progression etc., please don't hesitate to talk to me about it! I want each student to grow as much as possible!


We will have our Christmas Concert at the Waunakee Manor Rest home on Saturday, December 16th at 2:30. {The address is 801 S Klein Dr. and you can park on Klein and 8th street and come through the main entrance}
Please be there to get set up and tuned at 2:15. We will play from 2:30-3:00. 
We will play many of the Christmas pieces in the folder I gave everyone, as well as Twinkle Little Star, Lightly Row and Song of the Wind. If you have a jingle bell, please bring it!

December Lessons:
Monday's-Dec. 4, 11, 18th 
Thursday's-Dec. 7, 14, 21st

I have really enjoyed teaching your children and hope that they are enjoying and learning as well!
Merry Christmas and I sure hope you enjoy the holidays!



Monday Lessons: 5 lessons                             Thursday Lessons: 4 lessons
OCTOBER 2017                                              October 2017
10/2                                                                   10/5
10/9                                                                   10/12
10/16                                                                 10/19
10/23                                                                 10/26

Monday  3 lessons                                            Thursday 3 lessons
11/13                                                                  11/2
11/20                                                                  11/16
11/27                                                                  11/30
{No lessons 2nd week-I will be out of town}

Monday  3 lessons                                            Thursday 3 lessons
12/4                                                                   12/7
12/11                                                                 12/14
12/18                                                                 12/21
{No lessons last week-Merry Christmas!}

**Christmas Concert SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16th {Location TBD}

Monday 4 lessons                                             Thursday 4 lessons
1/8                                                                      1/4
1/15                                                                    1/11
1/22                                                                    1/18   
1/29                                                                    1/25

Monday 4 lessons                                             Thursday  4 lessons
2/5                                                                     2/1
2/12                                                                   2/8
2/19                                                                   2/15
2/26                                                                   2/22

MARCH 2018
Monday  3 lessons                                             Thursday 3 lessons
3/5                                                                      3/1
3/12                                                                    3/8
3/26                                                                    3/15          
{No lessons 3rd week because of SPRING BREAK}          

APRIL 2018
MONDAY  5 lessons                                        Thursday 4 lessons
4/2                                                                      4/5
4/9                                                                      4/12
4/16                                                                    4/19
4/23                                                                    4/26

MAY 2018
MONDAY 3 lessons                                          Thursday 5 lessons
5/7                                                                      5/3
5/14                                                                    5/10
5/21                                                                    5/17
**Spring Concert Saturday, May 12th {Location TBD}

JUNE 2018
Monday 1 lesson                                               Thursday 1 lesson
6/4                                                                       6/7
{Resume lessons July 16th}

{My family and I travel West every Summer to see family which means we will not be having lessons most of June and July} To make students accountable for practicing throughout the summer, I make a check list of all of the things they need to keep up and pass off with me when I return. We will be discussing this at lessons when it gets closer. 


Well, we have had lessons for a month now and so far it has been amazing! All of the students have a joy of learning the violin and I have loved seeing how eager they are to learn each lesson!!! I have had a few parents say that they don't know how to help their child practice the violin because they don't play the violin!

The best thing I can tell you is...ENCOURAGE THEM TO PRACTICE EVERY SINGLE DAY! If you help them develop a habit of daily practicing and encouraging them to listen to the Suzuki CD daily, that is the best thing you can do! Helping them figure out what time of day is best to practice, helping them to have a successful set up in the house where they put their violin, stand and music will help them significantly! You do not have to play an instrument to have your child be successful at one.
A few years ago, I read a book called Battle hymn of the tiger mother by Amy Chua. This Mom is pretty extreme in her parenting, but one huge thing that caught my attention is that she has 2 daughters that are amazing musicians, however she does not play an instrument. She would take the notes from the lessons and make sure they practiced daily. I was very impressed by this!

Another book that I love is called Nurtured by love by Dr. Suzuki! This will show you the love behind the music.

Encourage your child to practice daily and to color in ALL of the leaves on their practice chart I put in their music notebooks this week. They will get a prize at the end of the month if they filled them in!!!
